I illustrated this animated gif during April of 2018 to help bring awareness to this serious, complex, and highly debilitating, neuro-immune disease, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, otherwise known (and poorly titled) as, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Most international 'biological researchers' are now referring to this multi-system, organic disease by the abbreviated version, ME/CFS.
For the first five years, I kept my health battles to myself. Partly because I didn't want to make others feel uncomfortable. And partly out of fear of being misunderstood or judged from societal ignorance.
However, after I looked into it more, I was shocked by the millions worldwide – many much worse off than I – who were enduring this horrid illness with no support from healthcare and governments. If it were just me, I would have continued to internalise and not share my personal struggles. I soon realised this was far larger than myself and my being silent was only adding to the invisibility of this life destroying illness, which is in desperate need of government support, biomedical research funding, and education in medical schools, hospitals and clinics.
I hope to return to my love of illustrating stories for children when I'm well enough to do so. In the meantime, I plan to illustrate my own children's stories on my 'good days' without the pressure of deadlines and continue to advocate for the ME/CFS community.
I've created a Pinterest Board titled See ME Expo to help spread awareness through a collection of artworks from myself and other artists. See through the eyes of artists and patients from around the globe, creatively expressing the bone-crushing exhaustion, pain and hardship that is endured from, not living, but existing with ME/CFS.
Recently, I started a new blog Illustrator Interrupted to share my journey of the day to day challenge of managing chronic illness, juggling family and creativity, while keeping a sense of humour. In writing these posts, my goal is to spread awareness while advocating for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Autoimmune Diseases, Dysautonomia, Fibromyalgia, Endometriosis and other neglected conditions that predominantly affect the lives of women to such a debilitating degree.

At 7.00am
I try to walk across the room with a broken battery that won't charge, after a full night's sleep.

At 7.05am
This is a good day. Some days the elephant is sitting right on top of me.
Below: Elephant & ME animation in Dutch.

I created this Dutch version for an art expo for ME/CFS & FM that will be held in Belgium this year.
Sunday 12th May 2019 from 13h to 17h at the Former Fire Station,
santa Peter Benoitlann 78-80, 9050 Gentbrugge (Ghent), Belgium
santa Peter Benoitlann 78-80, 9050 Gentbrugge (Ghent), Belgium
Kunst Expo over de ziekte ME/cvs ME in woord en beeld wanneer Zondag 12 mei 2019 van 13u tot 17u waar: Voormalige brandweerkazerne/santo Peter Benoitlann 78-80, 9050 Gentbrugge (Gent)